exhibitor manual

booth extras

Items below should be ordered via the webshop.

For questions, emaildtwexpo@bellacenter.dk. 



If you wish to order additional catering for your booth or meeting room, this must be provided by Bella Center Copenhagen to ensure compliance with the environmental and hygiene laws and regulations of the Danish authorities.  

You are not permitted to use an external supplier.   


Exhibitors are responsible for removing excess packaging and boxes from their area. Overnight cleaning will include vacuuming and removing waste from paper bins both in the aisles and on the stands (only if the stand is not locked).  

If you require additional cleaning (floor wash for polished floor or to vacuum locked meeting rooms) this can be ordered with the Bella Center Copenhagen.   

Electricity & lighting 

Meeting rooms and turnkey booths are supplied with electricity. 

If you have a shell scheme or space only, you must order electricity for your booth with the Bella Center Copenhagen.   

24-hour power will be connected from the first build-up day and up to and including the last event day.   

The electrical installations on your stand must comply with the standard EN 50 110 on operation of electrical installations. Please be aware that your machines and utility items must be earthed. Do not obstruct the distribution boards, as venue staff may need to have access to them.   



Signage, foils & banners 

Textile, flooring & carpet 

Walls, doors, fascia boards & storage rooms