speaker bio

Bob Logan

CEO - Rockport Software

As CEO of Rockport Software, Bob Logan has 40 years’ experience in data and information modelling, analysis, forecasting and decision intelligence, having implemented information systems for many large corporations throughout the world. Bob was a director at Oracle and board director at IRI before founding Rockport Software in 1997. He is widely recognised as a world leader in the ACRIS Semantic Model, having developed major components of the model through global aviation projects with ACI, IATA, EUROCONTROL, and EUROCAE. Bob is a regular presenter at aviation conferences. He has a BSc in Mathematics and an MBA from Henley Business School. 

Tuesday 19 September | 4:00 pm - 5:27 pm | CET
Moonshot Catalyst Session: Leading the metaverse revolution: Bridging worlds and empowering lives