speaker bio

Christian Maitre

VP Smart Territories - Orange

As Orange group leader, Christian is currently VP for the Development of Digital innovation for Smart Cities. His mission has always been to develop new digital visions and implement them. He created methodology to accelerate  digital transformation of enterprises and for the public sector.  
He is an active contributor in TMForum activities.  For year he led catalysts projects and PoCs for smart city models. Since 2019, working on Autonomous Networks concepts, he leads a catalyst for AN usages and new Digital ecosystems Architectures. Also leading the Data governance  project.  
Previously, he was group CIO Deputy for Orange affiliates worldwide to evangelize Digital transformation (2011 to 2019) 
He joined Orange as VP Operations/Deputy general manager following the acquisition of his service management and datacenter company. 
Former deputy CIO of the IT & operational transformation group of large international companies like IBM, Y&R 
Member of the French Trade Advisors council (CCEF), he leads a committee as Digital advisor for the French government and Private sector. 
Founder of a Digital and Sustainable Transformation think tank, Caspera.lab.

Wednesday 20 September | 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm | CET
Moonshot Catalyst Champions Panel: Solving the biggest industry challenges to achieve breakthroughs with far reaching impact