exhibitor manual

freight forwarding/shipping

DSV Solutions A/S 
Tel: +45 43203850 
Email: expo@dk.dsv.com 

Storage of empties 

Empty packing material, boxes and cases are not permitted to remain on the stand. The evening before the event opens, all empties will be removed from the stands and aisles. If you have not made arrangement for this removal, you will be invoiced for this service.

Our recommended freight forwarder DSV can store empty cardboard boxes etc. during the event.

Storage can be ordered in advance or on-site with DSV Solutions A/S.

Return shipments 

DSV are based at the Bella Center and will be able to help facilitate return shipments on Thursday, 20 June.

Advance bookings are preferable to expedite the process, however last-minute arrangements can also be managed.

Exhibitors will need to complete a Commercial Invoice (if goods are leaving the EU). DSV Solutions A/S will discuss the appropriate arrangements with each exhibitor.

It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to safely pack and label their outbound cargo sufficiently to withstand the return transport. Exhibitors can then either bring the return shipments to the DSV reception located in the Bella Center loading bay or DSV will collect from the exhibitor’s booth or meeting room.

Invoicing for these services will come directly from DSV.

Insurance and liability  

Your merchandise and property must be insured; DSV Solutions A/S shall not be responsible for loss, damages and/or theft.

DSV Solutions A/S will not be responsible for any loss, damages or delay due to fire, acts of God, strikes or lock outs of any kind beyond its control.

DSV Solutions A/S shall not be liable to any extent whatsoever for the actual, potential, or assumed losses of profits or revenues or for any collateral costs which may result from any loss or damage to an exhibitors’ materials which make it impossible or impractical to exhibit same.