Masterclass: Intent – Enabling true autonomy for Autonomous Networks

IT Support

SESSION MODERATOR:Aaron Boasman-Patel, Vice President, AI, Labs & Innovation, TM Forum     Autonomous networks aim to improve network efficiency, reliability, security, and scalability while reducing operational costs and minimizing human errors. By automating routine tasks such as network configuration, optimization, and troubleshooting, network administrators can focus on more strategic activities that add value to the business. The goal of autonomous networks is …

Keynotes: The future ready techco

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SESSION MODERATORS:Dean Ramsay, Principal Analyst, TM ForumMei Lee Quah, Director, ICT Research, Frost & Sullivan CASE STUDY & INTERVIEW: Shaping the vision of 6G   What are the critical challenges that the network is likely to encounter as it advances towards 6G?  Rethinking network design to support a vast number of connected devices, intelligence, and computation The importance of advancing technology to reduce …

Tech tour: Future Networks

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This tour will showcase demos on how robotics, AR, and low/no code are enabling instantaneous communications between devices, users, and their surrounding environments. Location: Meet at the Info desk in the Park 

Moonshot Catalyst Champions Panel: Solving the biggest industry challenges to achieve breakthroughs with far reaching impact

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Discover Moonshots, a ground-breaking addition to this year's Catalyst program. Moonshots are innovative solutions that address critical industry issues through collaboration. Attendees will gain insights from leading organizations and champions in this transformative session. Join us to witness the strides towards a more connected, sustainable, and innovative industry. Metaverse Opportunities for CSPs: What opportunities does the metaverse offer for CSPs, …

Optimizing network agility

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SESSION MODERATORS:John Byrne, Research VP, CSP Operations & Monetization Platforms, IDC Emma Buckland, Principal Analyst – Telco Cloud & Networks, STL Partners CASE STUDY: SMART NOC – B2B network services assurance digitization for 5G B2B NOC and end customer experience challenges Envisioning a “Touchless NOC” Undertaking a holistic NOC transformation, incorporating leading practices with ODF etc. Aligning business KPIs to network performance …

Loft session: Future Networks

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The Loft Stage – explore how established solution providers, start-ups and new tech develop the next generation of innovative products and services to help create a more open and disruptive supplier and partner ecosystem. Witness product demos, ask questions, challenge standard solutions to find new ways of solving industry problems. 2:45 pm – 2:55 pmFireside chat: Automation in action: Hear …

A fresh approach to network energy efficiency

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SESSION MODERATORS:Phil Laidler, Managing Director, Consulting, STL PartnersSubhankar Pal, Senior Director, Innovation, Capgemini Engineering CASE STUDY & FIRESIDE CHAT: Orange journey towards 0 Watt for 0 loadEmmanuel Chautard, SVP Operations and Networks Economics, Orange  Interviewer: Subhankar Pal, Senior Director, Innovation, Capgemini Engineering Networks that deliver (just) enough Can we move to a network paradigm where resources are sufficient to deliver all …

Spotlight Session: Autonomous Networks: Accelerating level 3 and exploring level 4

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This session is open to communications service providers only. If you are interested in attending, you may RSVP by emailing here and we will be in touch to confirm. CSP walk-ins welcome. Digital transformation is accelerating across multiple verticals, which has created an opportunity for CSPs to unblock at least $700 billion in new revenue from industrial 5G and B2B2X. CSPs’ …

Catalyst Session: Accelerating tomorrow’s networks: Seamless connectivity for limitless experiences

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CATALYST PRESENTATIONSUnite with the brightest and best to drive groundbreaking innovation and impactful business outcomes Catalyst projects connect the collective power of the brightest minds and most influential industry figures to co-create solutions to the industry’s biggest challenges. SESSION MODERATORYvonne Kuimba, Head of AI & Data, TM Forum 1:30 pm – 1:42 pmIntent-driven autonomous networks – Phase III Jörg Niemöller, …

Lunch briefing: Building experience first and autonomous networks of the future

IT Support

This is an invite-only session. If you are interested in attending, please submit your interest here and we will be in touch. According to a recent survey from Heavy Reading with over 200 automation leaders, 81% believe automation is needed to remain competitive, yet only 18% have implemented a significant level of automation in their networks.    At this DTW23 – …