Masterclass: Techco organizational design

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SESSION MODERATOR:Cecilia Ortego Lagos, Global Director of Strategic Tech Operations, People and Planet Program, TM Forum Join the TechCo Organizational Design masterclass, your gateway to revolutionizing your business from a telco to a techco. You will learn to drive innovation, foster a tech-savvy culture, and develop scalable solutions to conquer the challenges of today's dynamic landscape. Discover the secrets behind successful organizational …

Skills and workforce in the age of innovation

IT Support

SESSION MODERATORS:Cecilia Ortego Lagos, Global Director of Strategic Tech Operations, TM ForumLudvic Baquie, TMT Consulting Partner / Principal, Ernst & Young PANEL: How technology can be harnessed to deliver diversity What are the practical and positive ways in which technology can be leveraged to create workplaces that are fair, equitable, and diverse? How can CSPs use technology to change economies and societies …

Organizational agility – how do you get it?

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SESSION MODERATORS:  Enda Doyle, UK & Ireland Technology and Telecom Consulting Lead, EY Erik Meijer, Senior Vice President Europe and Global Customer Specialist, Mach49  INTERVIEW: Shifting to a value driven scalable agile organization  Understanding why leadership is critical to shifting the company culture and mindset   What does a people-centric culture entail and how will it change the organization?  Examining how to …

Spotlight Session: The Global B2B Consortium powered by eXchange

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This is an invite-only session. If you are interested in attending, please submit your interest here and we will be in touch. TELUS, Accenture and Beyond Now have been collaborating to develop something revolutionary to help Communication Service Providers (CSPs) accelerate their portfolio development and grow B2B revenue faster. We call it: The B2B Consortium and we’d like to share it with …

Unbundling the telco value chain

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SESSION MODERATORS: Dean Ramsay, Principal Analyst, TM Forum Manish Vyas, President, Communications, Media and Entertainment Business, and CEO, Network Services, TechMahindra  PANEL DISCUSSION: CEO Playbook: Reigniting industry growth  How can we best take a holistic approach to internal structures and cultures, partner ecosystems, and complimentary technology strategies to drive new growth?  How should CSPs identify new positions to attract and accumulate …

A blueprint for growth: the techco operating model

IT Support

SESSION MODERATORS: Joann O’Brien, VP Digital Ecosystems, TM ForumJohn Byrne, Research VP, CSP Operations & Monetization Platforms, IDC  FIRESIDE CHAT: Building an operating model for growth in the AI era   Agile at scale: A realistic aspiration or a pipe dream?   Bridging the gaps between organizational silos to deliver the required agility   Embedding an “AI first” approach into the company culture …

Building blocks of the techco

IT Support

SESSION MODERATORS: Patrick Ugeux, Associate Partner, DeloitteErik Meijer, Senior Vice President Europe and Global Customer Specialist, MACH49  PRESENTATION: How to create growth beyond connectivity in the B2B market   Paid product development through co-creation with partners and customers in the enterprise market.   How to co-create and then scale    Taking a closer look at IT and 5G for enterprises Automation …

Xchange Session: Driving a security mindset

IT Support

SESSION MODERATOR:Karsten Nohl, Founder and Chief Scientist, Security Research Labs Together we go on a telco hacking journey to understand how each step in the journey could have been prevented. Hacking complex networks takes weeks and touches dozens of technologies. Defence is as complex, as bringing each network element up to a baseline security standard, and each colleague into a …