Organizational agility – how do you get it?

IT Support

SESSION MODERATORS:  Enda Doyle, UK & Ireland Technology and Telecom Consulting Lead, EY Erik Meijer, Senior Vice President Europe and Global Customer Specialist, Mach49  INTERVIEW: Shifting to a value driven scalable agile organization  Understanding why leadership is critical to shifting the company culture and mindset   What does a people-centric culture entail and how will it change the organization?  Examining how to …

A fresh approach to network energy efficiency

IT Support

SESSION MODERATORS:Phil Laidler, Managing Director, Consulting, STL PartnersSubhankar Pal, Senior Director, Innovation, Capgemini Engineering CASE STUDY & FIRESIDE CHAT: Orange journey towards 0 Watt for 0 loadEmmanuel Chautard, SVP Operations and Networks Economics, Orange  Interviewer: Subhankar Pal, Senior Director, Innovation, Capgemini Engineering Networks that deliver (just) enough Can we move to a network paradigm where resources are sufficient to deliver all …

IT transformation for greater agility

IT Support

SESSION MODERATORS: Yesmean Luk, Principal Consultant and Practice Lead, STL PartnersChris Silberberg, Research Manager, European Telecommunications Insights, IDC  FIRESIDE CHAT: Scaling cloud platform operations with GitOps automation  Overcoming the costly complexities of aligning to team schedules, single vs multi tenancy preferences, and culture   Using APIs to unlock opportunities for a variety of business units interfacing with external customers  Strategies …

Unbundling the telco value chain

IT Support

SESSION MODERATORS: Dean Ramsay, Principal Analyst, TM Forum Manish Vyas, President, Communications, Media and Entertainment Business, and CEO, Network Services, TechMahindra  PANEL DISCUSSION: CEO Playbook: Reigniting industry growth  How can we best take a holistic approach to internal structures and cultures, partner ecosystems, and complimentary technology strategies to drive new growth?  How should CSPs identify new positions to attract and accumulate …

Global Architecture Forum (GAF)

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SESSION MODERATOR:George Glass, CTO, TM Forum Welcome and introductionGeorge Glass, CTO, TM Forum CASE STUDY: Reaching AN (Autonomous Networks) level 4 by 2025 – outlining Orange's ongoing IT and networks transformation and the role ODA plays in itEmmanuel Chautard, SVP Operations and Networks Economics, Orange  CASE STUDY: Challenges, benefits and lessons learned – insights into how Telia has implemented ODATadas …

Unlocking the power of networks: transformation and monetization strategies

IT Support

SESSION MODERATORS:Emma Buckland, Principal Analyst – Telco Cloud & Networks, STL PartnersRobert Curran, Consulting Analyst, Appledore Research FIRESIDE CHAT: Bringing the cloud native network to life to deliver agility and scale How are you applying the principles of cloud native architecture to your mobile network? How is Cloud transforming your economics on Capex and Opex? Why is cloud-native transformation more …

Opening Headliners

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CSPs globally are exploring ways to reignite growth. Our trailblazing headliners will offer insights on they strategic opportunities they are spearheading that drive new, sustainable value and innovation to reinvigorate the industry.

A blueprint for growth: the techco operating model

IT Support

SESSION MODERATORS: Joann O’Brien, VP Digital Ecosystems, TM ForumJohn Byrne, Research VP, CSP Operations & Monetization Platforms, IDC  FIRESIDE CHAT: Building an operating model for growth in the AI era   Agile at scale: A realistic aspiration or a pipe dream?   Bridging the gaps between organizational silos to deliver the required agility   Embedding an “AI first” approach into the company culture …

Managing and scaling the cloud-native infrastructure

IT Support

SESSION MODERATORS: Yesmean Luk, Principal Consultant and Practice Lead, STL Partners  Ian Turkington, VP Architecture & APIs, TM Forum   INTERVIEW: Space innovation in the cloud: unleashing potential through collaborative tech partnerships  Making telco cloud work for the most demanding space applications   Integrating cloud tech for professional services that are outcomes-driven  Enabling ‘plug and play’ flexibility through open APIs and …

How to get to the autonomous network

IT Support

SESSION MODERATORS:Gorkem Yigit, Principal Analyst, Analysys MasonFrancis Haysom, Principal Analyst, Appledore Research The role of autonomous networks in the emerging telecoms landscape How will autonomous networks help telcos become techcos and drive customer experience, operational efficiencies/cost savings and network performance? What is the role of data and AI in autonomous network evolution and how can Generative AI be leveraged in …